99 days & 45 pounds down!! Ray is no longer Border line obese!!

***Online “Fitness on Fire” FACEBOOK member: Rayner CURRENT UPDATE***

99 days and 45 pounds down!

Rayner started his journey with Fitness on FIRE Online Boot Camp March 3, 2013

His starting weight was (235 lbs) two hundred and thirty five pounds and the doctors told him for his age he was border line obese.
He had the drive and determination to lose the weight but he needed a personalized routine and nutrition plan customized to meet his fitness goal that would WORK for him and give him fast results.

99 days later and 45 pounds lighter, Friday June 14, 2013 Rayner shares the report he received from his doctor and gives his own review of his journey half way complete with “Fitness on Fire” Online Boot Camp.

Rayner is no longer Border line obese. Want to know how he is doing it?

Follow his journey @ https://www.facebook.com/fitnessonfirenewyork

His next challenge is to replace the body fat he lost with muscle and achieve the body he dreams of having.

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